Arizmendi Bakery

Arizmendi Bakery

Sunday's Pizza

marinated artichoke hearts, red onions, gruyere, rosemary oil, p&p

A Worker-Owned Cooperative

A Day in the Life

A few of us arrive at 4:00am. Erika and Betsy start rolling out the cheese rolls and knotting the brioche. Jean's in the back mixing the scones, whole grain and cheese breads of the day. Amy is shaping the sourdough loaves and baguettes, cutting english muffins and shaping the focaccia.

A little proofing and muffin scooping later and we're baking. Finally, our gooey pecan rolls are flipped and everything's hot and ready on the shelves when we open at 7am.

By this time Lorenzo is there and thinking about the pizza of the day. Jean's now at the oven baking off the breads and sourdoughs. Around 9am the smells are changing from sweet to savory as fresh breads are loaded on the shelves.

Lunchtime sees pizza coming out of the ovens and the second group of workers arriving. Tanya's shaping and baking the breads for the afternoon and evening. James's mixing the next day's sourdoughs and setting them aside to rest overnight.

At 7pm we lock the doors, break it all down, mop it all up. It's time to go home. Tomorrow will be another day here at Arizmendi. Unless of course, it's Monday--we're closed on Mondays.

Time lapse video by Granite Porch Productions.

Photos on this page by Andrew Salverda.